FAQ Product

What makes it "premium"?

The overall specifications of this range are better. Higher quality stainless steel, more robust gear set and handle and better welding are just some of the features. The manufacturer uses their extensive experience in the beekeeping industry to manufacture high quality products perfect for beekeepers. With 30 years experience in manufacturing and decades of beekeeping experience this product has been made to last and is of a high standard.

Do I have to assemble anything

Legs only.

Is it reversible?


What size frames fit in basket?

Standard Australian Full Depth Frames & Ideal frames. 

What should I expect when I receive this?

We get customers asking us after they have received their extractors, sometimes they find things like manufacturing scuff marks or metalwork traces that they didn't expect to be there and they end up returning the item. Extractors are not fridges or dishwashers free of scratches, the make of these extractors does not affect their effectiveness. 

So please read below and rest assured that these things are completely normal and when we say our extractors are stainless steel or that they're food grade, we mean it and can back it up.

  1. You will receive 2 Boxes. One has the extractor & the other box contains the legs
  2. Honey gate valve has a tape sealant, unscrew your honey gate valve and remove.
  3. Scuff marks or scratches are normal as these are not wrapped in plastic sheeting inside the box. These are simply manufacturing & storage marks. It will not affect your honey.
  4. When you remove the basket, at the bottom there is a ball, the ball is coated in oil or grease, this helps the extractor spin faster. It's completely normal. The way your extractor has been built (angled base) counters any honey touching the oil or grease. Do not be worried about your honey getting in contact with the oil or grease, they will not touch