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Electric Radial Honey Extractor 9 Frame With Cassette Basket DELUXE

List price: $1,750.00
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Radial design 9 Frame Deluxe Honey Extractor. Features full wire baskets to give greater support to your frames during extraction. The barrel is our new design full drainage system, with internal slope from the back down to the front honey gate and overall conical shape. This means that the honey will naturally and easily drain without any tipping of the unit.

The barrel and full wire baskets are manufactured from 304 stainless and the honey gate is solid welded stainless. Legs are full length heavy duty and bolted to the barrel to achieve stability.

The motor is a direct drive 110W with a simple lever for speed and can run in forward or reverse.

NB: Motor colour may vary, but it is the same motor with a different paint finish.


Barrel Diameter: 80cm

Barrel Height: 66cm at back, 69cm at front

Suitable for: Full Depth, WSP

Barrel Material: 304SS

Basket Design: Fixed Radial

Basket Material: 304SS

Welded Honeygate: 304SS

Height from Honeygate to ground: 40cm

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which is bettter radial or tangential honey extractor?

Tangential honey extractors require you to flip the frame to extract both sides. Radial extractors suit larger beekeeping operations but are not as good at extracting thicker honeys. For the thicker honeys, you should consider a true reversible or actual reversible honey extractors. This is the most efficient method of extracting thicker honey and the basket containing the frame flips with change of direction to extract the other side of the frame. See our Premium True Reversible Extractor Range.

